Monday 23 February 2009

New book

Whilst trawling the charity shops of Taunton on Saturday, I found a copy of Pattern Making and Design by Helen Joseph Armstrong - 2nd Edition and it was at a very affordable price. A book that was on my wish list for sure and so I was one very happy person. Now, Taunton is my favourite place.

Needless to day I was rather quiet for the rest of the day.....

Friday 20 February 2009

Vintage fabrics

Yesterday evening I collect some fabric remnants and various wool, lace and wadding oddments from someone who was having a clear out as she no longer sews. Spent an amusing hour sorting out then all out, some useful and some only suitable for other worlds.

A sewing friend who runs a Brownie unit and also works at a local primary school has helped me out by taking a goodly amount away. A very useful resource she tells me. We share the same thought in that we can't bear to throw fabric away.

Now off to find a home for it all!

Thursday 19 February 2009

Two customers before 9 o'clock

The day started with two customers arriving almost together, and they live in the same village. One collected a garment and also had to be fitted for a trouser alteration. Those type of customers I like, arriving to collect but bringing more. The second knock at the door was also a collect and deliver! So there is work for next week.

My first task today was to get the designs for a wedding keepsake cushion in pale gold silk stitched out, the digitising was done yesterday. They look good.

The afore mentioned trousers were shortened while the cushion design was stitching out.

Next I started on some very tedious unpicking, it is still not finished. Maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

What have I stitched today?

And so a blog begins and like anything the first stitch is the most difficult. Today started with shortening some trousers, a simple plain hem, nothing complicated but a tidy way to start out the sewing day. Next came some machine embroidery. There is to be a Lotus Exige track day in Anglesey at Easter and my talents have been put to use to embroider the polo shirts for those who would like one to remember the event. I should perhaps explain that my husband owns a Lotus Exige and we will be going to said track day.

The logo was designed by DH, digitised and duly stitched out on 5 garments by me this morning
Meanwhile, the post brings lining for a pencil skirt to be made for another customer. That is the work for tomorrow sorted.
